Immigration Attorney Long Island

Family Law

Guardianship and Special Findings Orders

Perhaps the most important part of Mr. Horn’s practice in Family Law involves guardianship and special findings orders. When guardianship and a special findings order is granted to an adult over an undocumented minor that minor is able to file for lawful permanent residence after successfully filing for Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Status with US Citizenship & Immigration Services.

In New York, people can file for lawful permanent residence so long as the SIJ application is filed before the individual turns 21 years old. The person filing to be the guardian does not need to have lawful immigration status. The minor’s parent can even be the person filing for guardianship. The standard is that the child must be single, under 21 years of age, who has been abandoned or neglected by one or both parents, and that it is not in the child’s best interest to be returned to the country he lived in previously.

Mr. Horn makes it easy for applicants as he has successfully completed countless applications for persons in both Family Court and before US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Custody and Visitation

Mr. Horn also regularly handles custody and visitation cases in family court. Mr. Horn has worked on these cases for people in all sorts of situations. Mr. Horn has helped modify agreements as well as have agreements negotiated and created. In addition, Mr. Horn has successfully obtained favorable results for clients after trial.

Child Support

Mr. Horn has also assisted many clients with child support. Usually this is related to custody and/or visitation proceedings. Occasionally Mr. Horn will also assist with modifications as well as violations of existing child support orders.

For more information call the Law Office of Eric Horn, PC at (631) 435-7900 or contact him online to schedule a consultation.