Immigration Attorney Long Island

Family-Based Green Cards

Sponsorship for your Relatives

Long Island Immigration Attorney Eric Horn became interested in immigration and nationality law because of the troubles his brother had when he was trying to have his foreign-born wife attempt to enter the United States to attend Mr. Horn’s wedding. Family reunification has been his personal concern since then. He knows the U.S. Immigration system and can help you navigate through the highly specialized field of U.S. Immigration Law.

United States citizens and lawful permanent residents can sponsor certain relatives for permanent residence in the United States.  The relatives that have been designated as eligible for family-sponsored permanent residence are grouped into different classifications.

Your Family: Immediate Relatives

According to U.S. immigration law, “Immediate Relatives” of U.S. citizens are the spouses, parents of adult (over the age of 21) U.S. citizens, and unmarried children of U.S. citizens.  Family-sponsored immigrant visas for relatives other than immediate relatives are subject to numerical limitations and are categorized as follows:

  • First (F1): for unmarried sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
  • Second (F2A and F2B): for spouses and children of permanent residents (F2A) and unmarried sons and daughters (21 years of age and older) of permanent residents (F2B)
  • Third (F3): for married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
  • Fourth (F4): for brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens who are 21 years of age or older

A cap (limit) applies to the number of family-sponsored immigrants that can be admitted annually to the United States.  Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens are not subject to the numerical restrictions on visas that are applicable to relatives in the other family-based visa categories.  In addition, limitations exist within each family-based category on the number of visas that are available to relatives from each foreign state.  Consequently, visa backlogs exist for the preference categories.

Click here for the Visa Bulletin

Long Island Immigration Attorney Eric Horn has been navigating through the highly specialized field of U.S. Immigration Law and will be happy to assist you. Contact the Law Office of Eric Horn, PC at (631) 435-7900 or contact him online to schedule a consultation.